Monday, June 14, 2010


I got the pictures out of order...oooops This was at the end of our trip to Deer Lakes. It had started to snow...It was sooo pretty.
Snow coming down on the mountain...

This was on a private ranch about 10 miles past Deer Lakes..Wish I had some cows to run on this property...

This was one of the Lakes....The girls had fun They got all muddy....So ofcourse so did my truck..Oh well..They all wash.
There were wild Iris'es. They just grow all over.The photo dosn't do them justice, they were gorgeous....

More Cinnamon Pass

I had to drive through walls of snow that had been pushed up on the sides.. It was amazing.. I stopped and wrote my initial in the walls of the snow. I've never seen that much snow before...
This is in front of the American Basin. It was amazing....This was also part of the Alpine Tundra.It is the ecosystem above the tree lines. Above 11,500 feet. It is only found in a few places in the lower 48. Mostly in the Rocky Mountain states. It was truely amazing...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This is one of the hundreds of run off waterfalls. They start so high you can't even see some of them..There is still snow. Bass Pro Shops owns this cabin. With it's own private pond. They were having a hard time catching Trout in the stream so they had the road moved and changed the direction of the streams flow so there would be more places for the Trout to spawn. It is Gorgeous..
Nice bridge across the stream..And yes I have on a purple sweat shirt. It was still a little chilly this morning.

The waterfalls were absolutly amazing. Around every corner there was a new and bigger fall. Even being so far from it you could still hear the roar of the water...

Monday, June 7, 2010

What an awesome Cave. There is a house above it. I wanted to take pictures of it but, the owner was outside watering his lawn shirtless... So I decided to wait on that one..LOL
There is a bridge between these two islands. It was way cool.

Aspens line the road like soldiers in front of a castle...AMAZING

Southend of the lake. This is where the moose usually are. I think I was too early.

Pictures around Lake City

This at Lake San Cristobal..I wanna fish from up there...
Amazing view of the Lake. Still some snow in the background. Town houses in front of the Lake. Nice place to have morning coffee...Where is the closest Starbucks??? Oh ya about 200 miles....

These are some of the cabins here at Pleasantview Resort.

This is right in the middle of town..

A closer view.

Coming into LAKE CITY from the North.

In my side yard...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our new home in the Mountains

I am officially moved in. The Pink Flamingos love our new camp... The girls have it way to hard...LOL
My poor unloved Girls....Notice Ms Honey is in the Mary Kay chair...

My hunting Honey she was bound and determined to find something to chase..

The view out my front door..WOW !!! Unbelievable.. It is so amazing what God has given us..I am soooo Thank-ful.

My side yard...

Lake City, Co

Deer trying to cross the road. I thought Baby was gonna go through the windshield to get 'em.. This pic. is for my friend Special Ed. ( no he dosn't ride the short bus)LOL He loves trains.

Amazing cattle country. I can't believe all the green pastures. Talk about Happy cows..

Starting my decent into Lake City...Down hill for about 12 miles..Low gear all the way. Good thing I have great Trailer brakes...

Soth Fork Colorado

I took this in South Fork ,CO while I was filling up with gas. It was such a pretty little church.

Wolf Creek Pass

On the road agian...

Pagosa Springs, Co. I was sitting at the table writing, when all of a sudden Honey jumped up on the table and put her feet on my notebook. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to her..LOL And of course Baby was so innocent under the table... The girls in front of the river.

This was the San Juan river in Pagosa Springs, Co it was really moving along. So pretty.

Sill more great rocks in NM

On the way to Colorado

Baby Blue waiting impatienly to get back on the road. She stood on the consoule all the way to Colorado. I guess she didn't want to miss anything..(neither did I )

Outside of Chama NM. The rock formations were awesome..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Made it to Southern Colorado

This was outside of Snate Fe,NM

Wow, what an awesome day.I came through some of the most gorgeous country. It is green up here everywhere.I love the mountains. I do not love the desert!!!

Took lots of pictures today. Decided to stop in Pagosa Springs and spend the night. Found a great campground right on the San Jaun river. Almost outside my front door.The smells and the sounds of the mountains and the river are just amazing. God's artwork is unbeatable..